martes, 11 de noviembre de 2014


We all enjoy that play and these are our actors and actresses´ opinions:

"Last Thursday we went to the theatre. It was so funny. The actors told me to help them. I didn´t want to help them at first but finally, I went to the stage. When I was up there, I was very nervous. I was the cook and the Chiquilicuatre. I was dancing and reading a few sentences. It was really funny and a great experience"            By Lucía Arribas.

 "I was sitting on my chair watching a funny play. When Claire, the beautiful actress, went down the stage to look for an assistant, she caught me and I thought: “Oh no”. I went behind the stage; everybody clapped to me (of course), she told me I had to do as she did. I don’t need to explain all I did, because you could see me. I was a famous actor, Antonio Banderas, and I was in a restaurant. Claire and I danced, acted, and in the end I think I enjoyed it, but I don’t want to repeat this experience."                 By Jaime Gómez. 

"My experience in the theatre was very amazing. I was a famous singer and dancer. My name was Superstar. When actors talked to me, I didn´t understand anything because they spoke very quickly and I was very nervous."              By Carmela García

"When the actress came to our seats, I was sure that she would choose me. At first, I felt so shy because they said to me that I had to dance, I dance really bad, but finally, I had a really good time and I enjoyed the theatre very much. The actors did a very good job and "volunteers" helped them. I have to say THANKS to everybody that watched the theatre and I hope you had a good time and learn some English!!                     By Manuel García.

Test your understanding of "Food for Thought".

jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014

Welcome back to school!!! This year we want to connect you and American students in North Caroline. Are you interested in having e-pals? If so, contact your teacher of English language and they will find a friend in The USA for you.

This is the school in North Caroline, click on the photo to visit their website.

martes, 24 de junio de 2014

<object id="vp1c9sc0" width="432" height="243" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed id="vp1c9sc0" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="432" height="243"></embed></object><p><a href="">The Big Challenge</a></p>

martes, 10 de junio de 2014

Hace unos días dos compañeros míos y yo fuimos con nuestra profesora de inglés (Inma) al C.I.T.A (Centro Internacional de Tecnología Avanzada) en Peñaranda de Bracamonte, a exponer un trabajo que habíamos estado realizando desde el principio de curso durante algunas clases de inglés. El trabajo consiste en un mapa de Gran Bretaña  e Irlanda que contiene realidad aumentada  con códigos QR y con Aurasma. Mis compañeros y yo estuvimos ensayando y practicando la presentación que íbamos a exponer ante de profesores de todo el mundo.
Llegamos a Peñaranda por la mañana y hasta por la tarde no fue nuestro turno de presentación; pensábamos que iba a haber poco público puesto que era un poco tarde (19:20) y había otros talleres a la vez, pero finalmente vino mucha gente a vernos y a pesar de estar muy nerviosos lo hicimos fenomenal y nos dieron la enhorabuena. María, la coordinadora del congreso, nos hizo un regalo.
Si os interesa saber más sobre el encuentro podéis pinchar en este vínculo: "Smartphones and tablets".
Si quieres saber más sobre el mapa que hemos realizado puedes verlo en el aula de inglés del edificio B o en el blog de Inma.
                                                                                                                     Lucía Palomares 2ºESO B

miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2013

... Electricidad Isidro Santos. Te desea Felices Fiestas y un Próspero Año Nuevo. ...